Fifth Agreement Audiobook

The book itself is great and I would definitely recommend it if you haven`t read all four chords. And I would recommend it on 4 chords, but seriously 80% of the book is more of the same. So definitely buy one of them, but not both. This practical guide complements Ruiz`s first book on the 4 chords. It has returned to the basics of common sense in the Toltec way and can be applied by anyone and anyone. Really inspiring and simple and all the more pleasant when you hear them through the chocolate tones of Peter Coyote`s voice. Highly recommended. 5/5. Amazing. I must say that Don Miguel Ruiz is currently my favorite writer in spirituality/philosophy/personal development. The 4 chords changed my life and it`s a great follow-up. I love these teachings and the Toltec philosophy.

Great narrator, great listening. Of course, suggest starting with the 4 chords before reading this. In The Four Agreements, a New York Times bestseller for more than seven years, Don Miguel Ruiz revealed how the process of our upbringing, or « domestication, » can make us forget the wisdom with which we were born. Throughout our lives, we make many agreements that go against ourselves and cause unnecessary suffering. The Four Accords help us break these self-limiting agreements and replace them with agreements that bring us personal freedom, happiness and love. Now, Don Miguel Ruiz joins his son Don Jose Ruiz to offer a new perspective on the Four Accords and a powerful new agreement to transform our lives into our personal paradise: the Fifth Agreement. The Fifth Agreement takes us to a deeper level of self-power awareness and brings us back to the authenticity with which we were born. In this captivating sequel to the book that has changed the lives of millions of people around the world, we remember the greatest gift we can give ourselves: the freedom to be who we really are. A good continuation of the four chords Totally liked the two Excellent work of Peter Coyote Thank you After having already liked the four chords, I had a lot of fun hearing the fifth, so much so that I am about to read it again and I am sure that everything I have learned will help me in my journey, I feel happier, thanks ? to the author! And I highly recommend this book! This book is not just an examination of the four chords plus the fifth. This is a reformulation of the first four chords, but much more detailed and in more common language. I was first drawn to Toltec wisdom through Carlos Castaneda`s series « The Teachings of Don Juan…  » attentive. and they were impressive, but they seemed to be distant wisdom inaccessible in a distant world/time shrouded in mystery, etc.

Then, Merylin Tenneshende`s book « Don Juan and the Art of Sexual Energy » took the next step in making wisdom more tangible to the masses. Then Don Miguel Ruiz published « The Four Accords » and he gained great popularity in his deep power to help people change their lives. It has served many people for such a transformation. This is a MUST in itself. And now. This new book « The Fifth Accord…  » is a culmination of the Ruiz family to reach this level of clear communication of these Toltec teachings for all. He speaks the teachings in such a concise, direct, simple language with a wonderfully contemporary style. Excellent! (Impeccably speaking) In my opinion, it`s worth it! I could not exceed the first 2 chapters of this book. It`s so repetitive that it drove me crazy. It seems that there is an idea in the book and that it is repeated endlessly in different ways ad nauseum.

The idea is not even original. Very disappointing because I loved « the four chords » by the same author. It`s basically terribly boring. Overall, my favorite part of the guide was something that really made me laugh. I read this book on a trip from Dublin to JFK. It was about letting go of your worries about what others think of you, as they mainly focus on their lives and don`t worry about yours. It`s a fantastic book. Although there are some repetitions of information from Ruiz`s publication « The Four Chords », there is also a lot of new material and also very revealing. Therefore, I recommend the 5th agreement as a spiritual source of growth. Here`s just one of my favorite passages.

The evaluation of the 4 agreements and also the link with the 5. Arrangement that introduces you much deeper into self-awareness, unconscious behaviors and possibly ongoing attitudes, and also clearly defines the options and options with which we must work to bring about the change we seek, always increasing the state of consciousness and, of course, giving us much better abilities to understand ourselves and others. This post actually has the power to transform you, it has the power to transform your feelings through points, necessarily things that disturb your inner feelings, it stops all the frantic thoughts that corrupt the facts in your brain. It helps you deal with things that really don`t matter in real life, all the useless lies that reduce our day after day. If it is difficult for you to recognize or have problems reading this book, I recommend opening a publication or a Kindle and playing and listening and reviewing the audiobook at the same time, it helped me a lot to check in the chapters as if it were nothing. Be impeccable with your word, don`t take anything directly, don`t make assumptions, always do your best, and finally, be hesitant and always learn to listen. Discover to pay attention to the truths of others, but hesitate due to the fact that everyone is living their own dream. No one really recognizes who you are except you. If each person saw their own life movie, especially your mothers and fathers, they would see themselves completely differently from the way you see and see them.

Get paid for a mistake only once, not your whole life. Die Konzepte im 5. The chords are a little more spiritual and more difficult for some to understand because they look at the mystical realm of a digital globe. The message is illustrated by numerous instances that help the viewer recognize the concept on a deep level. The fifth contract (life insurance) includes the first 4 and gives them a whole new measure. Don Miguel Ruiz`s books are so simple but delightful and creative. This testimony concerns the two publications: « The 4 Contracts » and « The 5th Arrangement » because I saw them as a continuation in terms of five arrangements that one must follow as a spiritual guide. In general, I am not a follower of these types of books that ensure great spiritual improvement. Social domestication programs us for a system of reward or punishment. In order to stay away from punishment, we ourselves become punishers. However, the strange component is that we discover that the refund as soon as and only one for a job well done, and in the various other pages we judge a small mistake millions of times. .