Four Agreements Mastery of Love

Then we are unhappy with them. We think we`re in love with them, but we really become obsessed with how they want to be. He says that we don`t really accept that person we say we love because we don`t accept ourselves. « Let go of the past and start each day at a higher level of love. » « You may be aware that if your partner becomes upset, sad, or jealous, it`s not the one you love who you`re dealing with right now. It is a parasite that possesses your partner. Author Don Miguel Luis had attended medical school and become a surgeon in the United States, but one night he was returning home after drinking too many glasses at a Christmas party when he lost control of his car and crashed into a cement wall. He says he had a « near-death experience » (another « hook » hung there for the spiritually hungry) that changed his life and that he devoted himself to mastering the « ancient ancestral wisdom » afterwards. He began writing and producing his first book, The Four Agreements, published in 1997 by a then relatively unknown press, Amber-Allen Publishing in San Rafael, California. A short little book, it has been published in a very attractive format, the kind of book you like to hold in your hands. In The Mastery of Love, Don Miguel Ruiz sheds light on fear-based beliefs and assumptions that undermine love and lead to suffering and drama in our relationships. With insightful stories to bring his message to life, Ruiz shows us how to heal our emotional wounds, regain the freedom and joy that are our birthright, and restore the spirit of playfulness essential to romantic relationships. Mastery of love includes: Again, I like some aspects of this book, although the Toltec configuration is used again. Don Miguel Ruiz tells us: « The Toltecs are those who can express with the heart, those who have unconditional love. » « The »? Against all other spiritual masters and even against ourselves when we are at our best? Puleeeeze! Ruiz tells us that we chase away love because we don`t have it. We don`t have it in us.

We chase away the love of other people who do not love themselves and who are also looking for love. Then we are surprised and upset that we don`t get the love we want from them, and they feel the same way. « No matter how much you love someone, you`ll never be what that person wants you to be. » « You need to focus on the most wonderful relationship you can have: the relationship with yourself. It`s not about being selfish; it`s about self-love. « Happiness can only come from within you and is the result of your love. If you are aware that no one else can make you happy and that happiness is the result of your love, this becomes the greatest mastery of the Toltec: the mastery of love. You can finish this book in one session, but its profound truths have the potential to change the path, how you look at romantic relationships and your relationship with yourself. They will think about failed relationships and will eventually be able to diagnose the harmful behaviors that led to their disappearance. It will teach you to notice when fear blows the flame of love and light, taking you away from the warmth and joy that are your birthright. Don Miguel Ruiz tells us that he himself had difficulty respecting these agreements: « At first, I did not expect to be able to do it.

I fell several times, but I got up and kept going. And I fell again, and I kept going. I had no mercy for myself. There was no way I would feel sorry for myself. I said, « If I fall, I`m strong enough, I`m smart enough, I can do it! » I got up and kept going. I fell and kept going again and again… (The language here seems to me to be The Little Engine, the. for tall people.) We know that when we are born, we have an infinite amount of love within us. Ruiz agrees that we have been conditioned to think differently. We are all born as beautiful loving creatures. What sets us apart are the institutions polluted on beauty that have been chosen for us by someone else. This book will help you rewire your mind to love yourself and everyone as they are. He says that all relationships start with you and how you feel about yourself.

You will allow as much abuse and what he calls the « emotional poison » that you inflict on yourself. Self-love, which most of us miss so much, is the key to thriving in a partnership with another person. It shows us how to heal our emotional wounds, regain freedom and joy, and restore the spirit of playfulness that is essential for romantic relationships. Ruiz compares the ideal relationship with the one we have with our pet. The relationship with our dog is perfect because we get exactly what we expect from our dog. We would never like our dog to be better at being a dog, and we freely love him as he is. But with our partner, we tend not to accept them as they are, we expect them to be different, to behave in a way that they naturally wouldn`t. In all cultures, throughout history, some have sought wisdom, looking for ways to understand the secrets of relationships, gender, love, what it means to live on earth for a while. For some of them, these two little books – The Four Chords and The Mastery of Love – will be good to pack them for the journey. (By the way, The Four Accords and The Mastery of Love are available in spanish editions, in the same beautiful format as the English editions.) In The Mastery of Love, Don Miguel Ruiz sheds light on fear-based beliefs and assumptions that undermine love and lead to suffering and drama in our relationships. With insightful stories to bring his message to life, Ruiz shows us how to heal our emotional wounds, regain the freedom and joy that are our birthright, and restore the spirit of playfulness essential to romantic relationships.

Mastering love includes: • Why « domestication » and « the image of perfection » lead to self-rejection • The war of control that slowly destroys most relationships • Why we seek love in others and how we can capture love within ourselves • How we ultimately accept and forgive ourselves and others. .