Gst Clause in Agreement

29. ENFORCEMENT OF SECURITYIF Chapter 4 of the BVG would otherwise apply to the performance of the security right created by this Agreement, Buyer agrees that the following provisions of the BVG shall not apply; § 95 (notification of cancellation of membership), insofar as it obliges the supplier to inform the customer; Article 121( paragraph 4 ( Execution of liquidity – notification to the grantor); § 130 (notification of disposal), insofar as it obliges the supplier to inform the customer; Subsection 132(3)(d) Content of the after-sales statement of account); § 132 para. 4 (statement of account, if there is no disposition); § 135 (notification of detention); § 142 (repayment of securities); article 143 (Reinstatement of the security agreement); 31. MISCELLANEOUS31.1 Any of these terms and conditions may be amended in writing by the Supplier, unless otherwise agreed between the parties. 8. TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP8.1 The Supplier`s rights under this clause 8 guarantee: (a) the Supplier`s right to receive the price of all Goods sold under this Agreement; etb) any other amount due to the Supplier under this Contract or any other Agreement.8.2 All payments received from the Buyer shall be enforced in accordance with Article 14(6)(c) of the PPSA.8.3 The Buyer agrees that ownership and ownership of the Goods shall remain with the Supplier until payment is received in freely available funds from the Buyer of all amounts due to the Supplier; whether under contract or otherwise. The Buyer shall store the Goods separately from the other Goods and store the Goods in such a way that they can be easily identified as those supplied by the Supplier.8.4 The Buyer may only sell the Goods in the ordinary course of the Buyer`s business.8.5 If the Buyer does not pay the amount due to the Supplier by the due date, the Supplier may (without prejudice to its other rights) all The Goods, to which ownership has not been transferred to the Buyer, take back and resell. In addition to the rights that the Supplier may have under Chapter 4 of the PPSA, the Supplier may, without notice, enter the premises where it suspects that the Goods may be located and remove them without committing intrusion, and the Buyer authorizes the Supplier to enter the premises where the Goods are stored: to take possession of the goods for this purpose at any time. The Buyer shall also indemnify the Supplier against any loss suffered by the Supplier as a result of exercising its rights under this clause 8.

In the event of any conflict between Supplier`s rights under this Clause 8 and its rights under Chapter 4 of PPSA, this Clause 8 shall prevail.8.6 Buyer acknowledges and warrants that Supplier has a security right (for the purposes of PPSA) in the Goods and all proceeds until ownership passes to Buyer in accordance with this Clause 8. The Buyer shall do all that is reasonably required by the Supplier to enable the Supplier to register its security right with the priority requested by the Supplier and to maintain such registration.8.7 The security right resulting from this clause 8 shall apply to the Goods if the Buyer comes into possession of the Goods and the parties confirm that they have not agreed: that at a later date a security right creates this clause 8. 48h If a material change in laws or regulations (including the introduction of any form of emissions trading or emissions trading schemes or emissions or carbon taxes) occurs during the Term, the Supplier has the right, subject to clause 11.1, to increase the price payable by the Customer for the Products in writing with 10 days` notice equal to the amount to be paid by the Customer for Products of an amount, which corresponds to the increase in costs incurred by the Supplier in the delivery of the Products to the Customer as a result of such a material change. .3(b) At the request of the Customer, the Contractor shall provide proof that it has complied with this sub-clause (3) and, at the request of the Customer, shall permit an inspection by an examiner designated by the Customer. 14. QUANTITY AND QUALITY TOLERANCES14.1 If the Supplier is obliged to adjust a shade or colour, a light-dark tolerance is permitted to the extent that this has been agreed between the Supplier and the Buyer at the time of the determination of the standard colour and, in the absence of agreement, an appropriate tolerance is permitted14.2 If the Buyer provides the Supplier with specifications, goods not specified in the specification specified by the Buyer in addition to the specified tolerance of the industry deviates, must be accepted by the Buyer as in conformity with the contract. .5 The terms and expressions used in this clause, as defined in the New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act, 1999 and all regulations (« GST Act »), have the same meaning as the terms and expressions set out in this Act. 19. INSURANCE Unless otherwise specified in writing by the Buyer or included in a written offer or price list of the Supplier, insurance coverage for goods in transit will not be arranged by the Supplier.

Instructions on insurance coverage will only be accepted in writing at the time of ordering the goods. The supplier has no obligation to provide the buyer with notice under section 35(3), Sale of Goods Act 1923 (NSW) (or equivalent legislation). 17. TAX ON GOODS AND SERVICES17.1 If and to the extent that a supply of the Goods under the Contract is a taxable supply within the meaning of the GST Act, the price of the Goods shall be increased by the GST payable by the Supplier for the supply.17.2 All rebates, rebates or other rebates shall be calculated on the exclusive price of the GST.17.3 The parties agree that: that: (a) the parties must be registrants within the meaning of the GST Act;(b) the Supplier must provide the Purchaser with tax invoices and, if applicable, notices of correction in the form prescribed by or for the purposes of the GST Act; and (c) The costs to be reimbursed or compensated exclude any amount corresponding to the GST for which an input tax credit within the meaning of the GST Act may be claimed […].